Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Direction

Now that I have a more "formal" blog ( I think I'm going to change the direction/goal of this blog.

I was thinking of turning this into something more ... private.  For the feelings and ideas I want to share with the world, but don't necessarily want my Grandmother reading.

Of course, I'm not even sure who reads this blog ...


  1. yeah, I totally have the problem of wanting to post shit that I also don't particularly want my mother and ex-mil reading with mine.... thank god all the grandparents are dead! some people keep blogs much more as an online journal than anything else, so you totally wouldn't be alone going that way if it's what you want to do. I'm also bloggy buddies with one gal who at this point has three (that I know of) with completely different focuses and audiences (the "naughty" one is far and away the most fun).

  2. I hear at least one of your friends has a separate private blog, though she hasn't posted to it in like forever.
