Monday, April 25, 2011

Mostly Gone

Amazingly, I'm down to only 3 additional people in my house.  And they were supposed to have left yesterday morning.
I do feel rather bad for them.  They live in/around St. Louis and a tornado destroyed their airport the day after they left and their return flight home was cancelled.  After an hour on the phone with an agent, they managed to reschedule their flights for Tuesday.  But checking them tonight ... only one of the three names came up on the site, and he doesn't even have a seat.  Another phone call, and the other two got seats for late day.

I'm so annoyed with the airline system ever since September 11th.  It's frustrating that people paying for their seats get booked and bumped and struggle and struggle and struggle to get home.  In this circumstance, the act of god is uncontrollable.  But all the increased and insensitive security screenings are really too much for my conscience.  Thus, I will not be flying until these issues are resolved.
And hopefully these boys make it safely home.  Before I have to put them to work around the house (and make them start packing my stuff for my move.)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Getting Started

There are currently 10 people in my house.  And by house, I mean apartment.

Now my place is semi-large.  It's a 2 bedroom townhouse with about 1300 square feet.  But 10 is too many.
My husband is hosting visitors who are in the area for a card tournament.  And I allowed.  So I really can't complain.

However, I am a morning person.  I like to get up with the sun and ... function!  But they're sleeping downstairs.  So I'm upstairs.  And my husband is sleeping here.  So where does that leave me?  Blogging about it on the internet.  Quietly.  *sigh*

Happy Easter!